Saturday I went to the beach with everyone, but stayed with Auntie and Mitchell. Everyone else had surf life saving. I planned to take pictures but as soon as Mitchell found out I was in my bathing suit he had me running in and splashing with him. I didn't mind though because I was excited to be at the beach (just as excited as the four year old)! The beach is commonplace for everyone else so they weren't too excited, I guess it is like us seeing snow. We got ice cream (I got a peppermint magnum) and then we went home. At home Mitchell and I watched Finding Nemo because we were at the beach and it's his favorite movie.

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    Hannah Carney

    I am taking a gap year before college to travel the world! I will keep you posted on what I am up to and all the adventures I go on. I will only post when something exciting or big happens so this page wont be constantly updated.


    October 2013
    September 2013

